Grosse Pointe United Methodist Church
Senior High UMYF

Heritage Tour '99

Fun Facts and Stuff about and from England:
Read Charlie's Journal from Heritage Tour '94!
The Oops Files: Signs Found in England
A Brief British / American Lexicon
Only In England
Check the Weather in London!
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from the magazine Royalty
   A milkman who was awarded the MBE for services to the community has shown his dedication to his customers by turning down an invitation to Buckingham Palace to receive the honour.  Trevor Jones, 69, who has been delivering milk in Tredegar, South Wales, since he was six, said travelling to London would disrupt his round and the lives of the people he calls on.  "Jones the Milk", as he is know, was nominated for an honour by customers to whom he is a home help, matchmaker, odd job man, and friend.  Every day he delivers milk to a married couple whom he introduced to one another and a blind couple to whom he reads any important mail.  He has rescued a woman who became stuck in her bath, and last week raised the alarm after finding an elderly customer had fallen and broken a hip.  "I am a very lucky man to be out in the fresh air all day," said Mr Jones, who first delivered milk from his father's horse and cart.  "It is a great honour to get the MBE.  the Queen is a very nice lady, but she isn't worth rushing for.  I am sure she will understand," he said.
Last Updated: 18 May 1999