Easter Sunrise Service
Sunday 27 March 2005 7:30 AM
In the Great Hall
Opening Song Rise and Shine
Call to Worship
Leader:    Dying, Christ destroyed our death.
People:   Rising, Christ restored our life.
All:           Christ will come again in Glory!
Leader:   The Lord is Risen!
People:    The Lord is Risen Indeed!
And When Necessary, Use Words
At this point, we presented scenes of Holy Week, using charades or pictionary as our mode of communication.  Bob Rossbach graciously gave the congregation an excellent introduction to the fine points of charades before we began.
The scenes were open to the congregation to guess, right along with the participants.  
After each one was guessed, the scripture was read by the presenter, then on to the next one.
Scene Presenter Mode Scripture
The Triumphal Entry
Emily R-R charades Mark 11:1-11
The Last Supper Emily Stowell charades Mark 14:22-25
Jesus is Crucified
Emily Stowell charades Matthew 27:32-38
The Resurrection Katie VdP pictionary Matthew 28:1-7
The Road to Emmaus Kendra Beedle pictionary Luke 24:13-15
Doubting Thomas Paul Thomas pictionary John 21:24-29
Mary Meets Jesus in the Garden Emily Solecki charades John 20:1-18
Ben Gardner - piano
# 314  In the Garden
Responsive Reading
Leader: Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.  Let us
celebrate the festival,
People: not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and
evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and
Leader: For we know that Christ, being raised from the dead,
will never die again; death no longer has dominion over
People: The death He died, He died to sin, once for all, but
the life He lives, He lives to God.
Leader: So you must also consider yourselves dead to sin, and
alive to God in Christ Jesus.
People: Christ has been raised from the dead, the first
fruits of those who have fallen asleep.
Leader: For as by a man came death, by a man has come also
the resurrection of the dead.
People: For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be
made alive.
Special Music
Emily Stowell
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Necessary Words - Chris Blunden

You're probably wondering why we tried to get everyone to guess the scenes of Holy Week with charades and pictionary this morning.

St. Francis said we should preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words, and that's what we were trying to do today. We were telling the story of Jesus – at least parts of it – without words: but it's not that easy.

If you've ever played charades or pictionary, you know how frustrating it can be. You know exactly what you want the other players to see in what you do – but too often they just don't see it.

Over the past few months, we've played quite a bit of both of these games in our group. By playing more and more, we've gotten a lot better at getting each other to see what we mean, and at knowing what we're supposed to see. But that's within our group. If it's your first time playing, you're going to need some words to explain what's going on.

So even though we know how to show you a movie or hymn title or whatever, if you don't know the special gestures we've set up ahead of time, you're going to have trouble. You need to hear those necessary words that tell you why we're acting the way we are – like the words from the Bible we read to confirm the correct guesses.

But even though those words are necessary, they're not going to be enough. Just knowing the story of Easter, just knowing what Jesus did for you doesn't mean a whole lot unless it changes your life.

Like it says in the book of James, we're supposed to be doers of the word, and not just hearers. We need both of them – to preach the gospel at all times with our lives, and to use words when they're necessary to let someone know that good news.

As we said, it's not easy, but with practice, we get better and better at showing the Gospel with our lives. There will still be those times when words are necessary, but the more we do them both, show the world that we know Jesus through our lives and our words, the easier it will be.

Morning Prayer -
Lord's Prayer

Father –

We thank you that you sent your son Jesus to live with us, to die for us, to rise victorious, and to live in us.

We thank you that he showed us your love by his life and in his words.

We thank you for the necessary words you have given us in your word, and ask that by your Spirit you would help us to get your word in our lives, so that others will see you shining out of us.

We pray in the name of Jesus, who taught us to pray, saying

Our Father, who art in heaven...

Ben Gardner - piano
#98 To God Be the Glory

Kids Participating
Emily Solecki
Emily Stowell
Emily R-R
David R-R
Chris Blunden
Katy Van de Putte
Will Van de Putte
Ben Gardner
Paul Thomas
Kendra Beedle
Last update: 18 July 2005