Hebrews 4:11-16

In everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:6


Pray it!
Not long ago, I went through a time of deep loneliness. I desperately searched for someone who could somehow make me feel better. I talked endlessly with friends so that I wouldn’t feel so alone. Finally I realized that although my friendships did ease some of my lonely feelings, they could not give me the kind of comfort that I found in the one thing I was neglecting: Prayer!

There is nothing wrong with sharing our needs with good friends, but we shouldn’t use a friend’s listening ear as a substitute for a healthy prayer relationship with the Lord.

Prayer is vital to believers. It nurtures our relationship with God, and it matures us. We have the awesome privilege of approaching our heavenly Father with our needs, our requests, and our praise. He wants us to come to Him in boldness.

That we can approach the Lord boldly is wonderful news. We don’t have to be shy, timid, or afraid. Instead, we can have confidence that our prayers will be answered in harmony with God’s plan. We can bravely step up to the throne of God and enjoy intimate conversation with Him, as we would with an earthly friend. The Lord truly cares about our needs and desires. 

The Lord’s Prayer, found in Matthew 6:9-13, is a model for us to follow. It starts with expressions of praise for God’s holiness. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. It asks for daily provisions and forgiveness for sin. It asks for power to live a godly life. A sincere prayer such as this pleases the Lord.

Take some time today to pray. God initiated prayer for our good. Put off dumping on your friends for a while and spend the time praying. God truly cares about you. You can be confident as you talk to Him that He will take care of your every need. —AK


  • When I have a problem, am I more inclined to talk first to my friends or to God? 
  • What does it mean to have a healthy prayer-life? How can I improve or increase my communication with God? 
  • When I have been absolutely honest with God in prayer, what has been the result? 
Don’t just say it—pray it!

©2001 RBC Ministries—Grand Rapids, MI 49555